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facial rejuvenation beverly hillsFat TransferFat Transfer FaceLaser TreatmentsNon-Surgical ProceduresPrecision Knifeless FaceliftSilhouette LiftUltherapyVampire Therapy
The biggest difference between surgical and nonsurgical facelifts is that one requires anesthesia, incisions, sutures, and a more lengthy recovery time, and one does not. Surgical facelifts are invasive. They require incisions through which muscles can be manipulated and skin can be removed. They come with lengthy recovery periods and a number of surgical and… Continue reading What Is the Difference Between Surgical and Nonsurgical Facelifts?
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Focused ultrasound energy deposited into the deep skin tissues. Did you ever wish you could tighten your facial skin? How about under the neck or chin? After weight gain or even children, these areas can prove problematic for sagging skin, which may appear unattractive. In addition, as we age, our skin, brow lines, and other… Continue reading New Innovations in Skin Tightening with Ultherapy
Read moreBOTOX® CosmeticPrecision Knifeless FaceliftUltherapy
Do you have a “turkey neck,” caused by excess skin beneath your chin and jawline that makes you appear older than you wish? Some of us receive this “gift” genetically (check out your parents’ necks for a preview), while some of us develop a sagging neck with age. Lifestyle habits, such as smoking, alcohol consumption,… Continue reading Turkey Neck is For the Birds!
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Yes, it’s true. Dr. Andre Berger has three amazing tools in the battle against facial aging that can give you the results of a surgical facelift without surgery or general anesthesia! These knife-less facelifts are performed right here in our Beverly Hills cosmetic surgery office. Precision Sagging in the lower face, such as in the… Continue reading A Facelift Without the Knife?
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As we age our face and neck are among the first areas of our body to show the signs of aging in the form of sagging cheeks and neck, a looser forehead and brow area, a less defined chin and wrinkles near the décolletage. For many decades now, face lifts as options for treating sagging,… Continue reading Ultherapy Treatments For Fine Lines And Wrinkles
Read moreAnti-Aging MedicineBeautyFat TransferUltherapyVampire Therapy
Are you unhappy with the way aging has impacted your appearance? It is time for you to regain some of that youthful look that time has slowly taken from you? Of course, improving your health and well-being is an important start to slowing the effects of aging, but that in and of itself may not… Continue reading Five Anti-Aging Treatments to Try in 2016
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