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Focused ultrasound energy deposited into the deep skin tissues.
Did you ever wish you could tighten your facial skin? How about under the neck or chin? After weight gain or even children, these areas can prove problematic for sagging skin, which may appear unattractive. In addition, as we age, our skin, brow lines, and other areas of the face succumb to wrinkles, crow’s feet, jowls and other imperfections. These can all be changed with Ultherapy, a new and innovative way to tighten and tone the skin – using none other than the power of ultrasound technology.
How It Works
Ultrasound technology is placed over the dedicated area using a handheld device. The target area is first cleansed and highlighted, and similar to getting other types of ultrasounds, a cooling gel is applied, and visual imaging showing skin cells and tissues can be seen on a computer screen. Providers are able to monitor the depth at which the therapy targets.
Ultherapy breaks beneath the superficial layer of this skin, and activates new collagen production. This is accomplished through the gentle heat emitted by the ultrasound. It sets in motion new skin growth, while at the same time tightening and toning the area.
Ultherapy provides instant results.
Over the course of three to six months following Ultherapy, even more improvements can be seen on the outer surface of the skin, as it continues its therapy deep below. The procedure takes roughly 60-90 minutes, in most provider offices.
Once therapy has been completed, regular activities can be resumed.
Top Benefits of Ultherapy
Look in the mirror confidently once more, and recognize the face you once loved in your youthful years. Ultherapy is a safe, fast, and effective way to get rejuvenated skin – from the inside out.
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