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Within the last year or two, it’s almost impossible to get on Instagram or read a beauty magazine without seeing something about lip augmentation in Beverly Hills. Plump lips have been everywhere for quite a while and we don’t see this beauty trend dying down anytime soon. However, sometimes with a lot of buzz comes confusion about the best dermal fillers to be used for lip augmentation. There are many dermal fillers available on the market, but the most important factor in a successful lip augmentation is the consultation and the experience level of the injector.
Rejuvalife Vitality Institute offers all of today’s best performing dermal fillers to its patients. However, there are a few that Dr. Berger Prefers for lip augmentation:
Artefill now known as Bellafill is a longer lasting dermal filler than most available on the market. Bellafill has the potential to provide results for up to 5 years, with immediate results.
One of the newest additions to the Juvederm line is the first specifically formulated for the mouth area. Volbella is a more subtle filler, making it a great choice for someone who may be new to injectables and wants to ease their way into lip enhancement.
Another more natural filler, Restylane Silk results will begin to show 14 after treatment and can be expected to last around six months. Restylane Silk is another great option for those who are afraid of looking overdone after a lip augmentation.
Nano fat transfer is the perfect lip enhancement solution for patients that want to avoid the use of synthetic materials or are already going through a procedure that involves the removal or transfer of fat. With fat transfer, excess fat can be removed from the donor site and added to your lips for a permanent solution to plumper lips.
Dr. Andre Berger has been providing cosmetic treatments using injectable fillers for many years. As an expert injector, he is very experienced in recommending which dermal fillers will suit each individual patient’s face and personal goals. When you schedule a consultation with Dr. Berger, you can be sure that he will provide you with the most personalized care and expert results.
If you have been thinking about lip enhancement for a while, schedule a consultation with Dr. Andre Berger is the first step towards finding the best dermal filler for you.
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