Weight Loss Sleep

You might think that staying awake more hours would burn more calories than getting a full night’s rest. You might be wrong about that. Several recent studies indicate a strong correlation between lack of sleep and weight gain. Based on gathering evidence, scientists have concluded that every lost hour of sleep is associated with a… Continue reading Weight Loss Sleep

Weight Loss May Add Years to Your Appearance

Sometimes, skinny isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Often times for those 40 and above, losing too much weight in the face can actually add years to your appearance! Think sunken eyes, droopy skin and large dark circles under your eyes. And the number one effect, emaciated cheeks! According to New Beauty Magazine: When… Continue reading Weight Loss May Add Years to Your Appearance

Permanently Erase Wrinkles Within 20 Minutes

For those of you looking for a long-lasting wrinkle cure, we recommend you check out Artefill, the first and only FDA approved non-resorbable wrinkle filler that provides wrinkle correction up to five years. And just because the results last longer than more traditional fillers and injectables, doesn’t mean the procedure is more involved. You can… Continue reading Permanently Erase Wrinkles Within 20 Minutes

What To Eat: Pre-Lipo

The ideal candidate for liposuction isn’t overweight, but rather struggles with stubborn fat areas he/she just can’t get seem to get rid of. Perhaps you are a little overweight and considering lipo as a motivational starting point to jumpstart drastic changes in your lifestyle? Or, you are already motivated and have been doing the best… Continue reading What To Eat: Pre-Lipo

Study shows that an anti-inflammatory diet helps with inflammation and oxidative & metabolic stress in overweight men

My last blog post talked about the role of fatty acids and inflammation in disease development. I just read a study performed by scientists in the Netherlands who used the supplements Resveratrol, vitamins C and E, green tea extract, Omega 3 fatty acids and tomato extract, all chosen for their evidence-based anti-inflammatoryproperties, to see if… Continue reading Study shows that an anti-inflammatory diet helps with inflammation and oxidative & metabolic stress in overweight men

Fatty Acid Levels Contribute to Disease!

Albert Einstein College of Medicine performed an experiment with young,  healthy, weight-appropriate volunteers in hopes of identifying whether fatty acids in the bloodstream contribute to disease.  It’s long been thought that inflammation in cells contributes to heart disease. In fact, a specific blood test, called a CRP, can measure the level of inflammation and is… Continue reading Fatty Acid Levels Contribute to Disease!


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