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If you’ve recently taken a bigger interest in adopting a healthy lifestyle, you may have come across the topic of telomeres. Telomeres are a section of DNA that exist at the ends of chromosomes, keeping them intact. Telomeres shorten over time as cells divide. Essentially, the length of our telomeres can tell us our “genetic age” as well as tell us a lot about the health of our cells.
Telomeres are important because they can tell us how healthy the cells that make up our bodies are. The longer the telomere, the healthier or ‘younger’ the cell is. Telomeres can tell us about the genetic health of our cells and can help you get a deeper look at your overall health.
At Rejuvalife Vitality Institute, we use telomeres to get a more complete look at the patient’s overall health before starting an anti-aging treatment plan. The state of a patient’s telomeres can give the medical team a realistic look into one’s lifestyle habits and cellular health.
The most efficient way to lengthen or maintain the length of your telomeres is to commit to making positive lifestyle changes such as the following:
So, you may be wondering what you can do to improve your cellular health and increase the length of your telomeres. The first step is scheduling your private consultation with Dr. Andre Berger at Rejuvalife vitality institute. He will be able to take a look at your current and past health in order to help you build the most effective customized anti-aging plan
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