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It’s no secret that more and more men are taking an active role in maintaining a youthful appearance. One glance at the stats reveals as much. From ‘Botox’ to skin care to body contouring, the times are a-changing and frankly, we applaud this shift! Some speculate it’s a generational philosophy while others say it’s a professional advantage to appear youthful, vibrant and, let’s face it, “with it”. Regardless of the motive, the transition is refreshing for many of us to witness, which is why we’re all about the Y (chromosome, that is).
For most men, problem areas are usually focused on two locations of the body: the chest and the abdomen. Gynecomastia (enlarged male breasts) is a condition that is more common than you may think. In fact, more than half the male population experiences this at some point. Though this condition will resolve for many men after puberty, there is still a large group that suffers from gynecomastia well into their adult years. And then there is the ‘barrel’. That dreaded, albeit manly, spare tire belly. Or for some, those “love handles” that create an unflattering contour above your belt.
For many of you reading this, it may come as no surprise that one or both of these conditions are resistant to diet and exercise, and nothing is more frustrating than giving it all you’ve got to no avail.
This is where techniques in liposuction come in. You may never have considered this an option, thinking it’s something only women pursue, but that’s not the reality. Liposuction has helped countless men refine and sculpt those obstinate areas of the body that just won’t relent no matter what lifestyle changes we incorporate.
Now, it’s important to note that liposuction is not a solution for weight loss. This is a battle that we can attribute to “visceral fat” versus “subcutaneous fat”. In short, visceral fat is deeper fatty deposits that surround our organs – a fat which cannot be reached via liposuction or any other cosmetic surgery method. Subcutaneous fat, the fat located superficially, just below the surface of the skin, is our target when it comes to liposuction. It’s almost always the culprit for stubborn bulges when diet and exercise don’t cut it. How can you tell if the fat you have might be lipo-friendly? The rule of thumb is, if you can pinch it, it probably is.
Liposuction is best employed when there are stubborn (subcutaneous) deposits of fatty tissue that cannot be corrected no matter how many salads you eat or sit-ups and chest presses you do. If you have embarked on a disciplined diet and exercise program only to be disappointed by those pesky, uncooperative areas, liposuction might be the perfect solution.
And if you haven’t quite arrived at the salad-eating, chest-pressing, sit-upping phase, we can help with that too. Using an integrative approach, we personalize a program that combines medically-supervised weight loss, fitness, and a custom nutrition program.
Dr. Berger’s expertise and our advanced liposuction techniques will have your inner chest-pounding Tarzan front and center (and working it at all the local beaches) in no time. Contact us today and we’ll happily tell you all about your options.
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