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Is Botox the Next Cure for Acne?

Botox is more commonly associated with anti aging treatments, but are there other other uses for this product that are not as well known. One of these uses is the treatment of acne and acne scars. Dr. Shah, a Chicago based plastic surgeon, began using Botox to treat his patients who had been suffering with long term acne problems. The results were so dramatic that Dr. Shah felt compelled to publish a study on the use of Botox as an acne treatment. His findings provide a picture of how botulism can benefit those suffering from adult acne.

First off, a brief overview of how acne is formed. Acne is caused when pores become clogged with dirt, sebum (oil), and bacteria. The pores can become infected or inflamed, resulting in blemishes and acne. Currently, most acne regimens focus on getting rid of the blockages in the pores, thus reducing the amount of acne.

The Botox comes into play due to its tendency to paralyze the areas that it is injected into. Facials and topical acne treatments may help to rid the pores of sebum, but Dr. Shah has found that Botox stops the production of sebum, thereby reducing the chance of pores becoming clogged in the first place.  Out of the 20 patients that participated in Dr. Shah’s study, 17 of them reported a decrease in the amount of sebum present.

Although sebum contributes to acne in both adult and teen patients, Botox is better suited to treating those who have adult acne. This is because the hormones in a teenager’s body are still fluctuating, while an adult’s is not. Acne that persists into adulthood is often permanent, and cause for some other reason besides hormones.

Those of us who struggle with adult acne know how frustrating it is to wake up every day still struggling with a problem that most people “grow out of” after their teen years. However, it doesn’t have to be something you are forced to live with forever; new treatments offer hope where old methods have failed. To learn more about Botox, skin treatments, or body sculpting in Beverly Hills, contact Rejuvalife at 310.856.9173.


With over 25 years of experience in the medical field, Dr. Berger has geared his practice towards the soothing and therapeutic side of cosmetic medicine. By specializing in anti-aging treatment along with cosmetic enhancement, his goal is to help each patient live a long, healthy, and beautiful life. Call us, or complete the form on this page.


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