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Turn Back Time with a Knifeless Facelift


Did you know that you can take years off your face and neck without surgery? The PrecisionTX™ Knifeless Facelift in Beverly Hills is a laser treatment that can reverse the signs of aging on the lower face and neck. As we age, our lower face and neck begins to lose firmness and elasticity. This can result in the appearance of a sagging jawline, a double chin or the dreaded “turkey neck”. Here at Rejuvalife, we offer a variety of non-surgical options for common aging concerns.

What is the PrecisionTX™ Knifeless Facelift?

The PrecisionTX™ is a minimally invasive laser surgery that allows patients to regain a youthful texture by tightening the skin and stimulating collagen production where you need it most. The PrecisionTX is a YAG laser the uses a wavelength of 1440 nm to powerfully target problem areas with minimal downtime.

What Does the PrecisionTX™ Target?

The PrecisionTX™ laser is perfect for patients looking to receive the most dramatic results with the least amount of downtime. After just one treatment, patients can expect to see continued results for up six months post-treatment. The PrecisionTX™ works best for the following skin concerns:

Skin Texture

With age, in addition to elasticity, our skin texture can also begin to show age. Aging skin has the tendency to look dull, with larger-looking pores and rougher texture. The PrecisionTX™ targets these imperfections and encourages cell turnover, giving the skin a fresher look.


The PrecisionTX™ laser has customizable settings that allow Dr. Berger to monitor the treatment and adjust the settings to target specific wrinkles and facial contours. This allows Dr. Berger to create a truly customizable treatment for each patient.

Jowls & Sagging Skin

For skin laxity, Dr. Berger can kick it up a notch by strategically placing a cannula under the skin to expose problem areas to more direct laser energy. This increases collagen production in areas where sagging skin in most prevalent, such as the jawline and neck.

If you are interested in learning more about the PrecisionTX™ Knifeless Facelift, contact Rejuvalife Vitality Institute today to learn more!


With over 25 years of experience in the medical field, Dr. Berger has geared his practice towards the soothing and therapeutic side of cosmetic medicine. By specializing in anti-aging treatment along with cosmetic enhancement, his goal is to help each patient live a long, healthy, and beautiful life. Call us, or complete the form on this page.


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