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Liposuction Choices in Beverly Hills


liposuction choices beverly hillsAt Rejuvalife Vitality Institute, our cosmetic surgeon in Beverly Hills offers an extensive liposuction service offering. We offer several different liposuction variations that each have their own specialized benefits to treat a variety of concerns.

What Are My Liposuction Options?

During your private consultation with Dr. Andre Berger, he will review each type of liposuction with you and discuss your concerns to help you decide on the right procedure for you. The different types of liposuction that we offer include:

VASER Liposuction

VASER liposuction is a fat removal procedure that uses ultrasound technology with a special solution to aid in fat cell removal. The ultrasound heats the tissues to loosen the fat cells to be easily removed from the body through a cannula. The ultrasound aids with the fat removal and helps the skin to contract during the healing process for a firm and seamless result.


SmartLipo is another liposuction technique that combines the basics of traditional liposuction with laser technology to melt away fat cells, allowing Dr. Berger to carefully shape the treatment area. This version of liposuction is perfect for those who are looking for more detailed results such as the chin, knees, ankles etc. SmartLipo can also be used to shape out muscle definition for a more toned look.

Hi-Def Liposculpture

Hi-Def Liposculpture is a version of liposuction created to provide fat elimination in a more sculpted and detailed way. This version is VASER assisted, which is a method of power-assisted liposuction liposculpture is used to highlight and provide more defined contours through the precise removal of the fatty deposits obscuring muscles and impacting natural contours.

Body Jet Liposuction (water-assisted lipo)

Body-Jet liposuction uses highly concentrated water applied in pulsed sequence to dislodge fat cells, making them easier to remove. This water-assisted liposuction technique prevents damage to surrounding connective tissue and blood vessels, and it minimizes disturbance to the areas around the treatment region.

Tumescent Liposuction

With tumescent liposuction, Dr. Andre Berger injects a diluted solution of medical fluids into the treatment area, causing the fat to swell and harden. The medical fluids injected into the treatment area for tumescent liposuction contain a localized anesthetic, which can produce complete comfort without deep sedation.

If you are interested in learning more about the different types of liposuction available in Beverly Hills, contact our office today to schedule your consultation with Dr. Berger.


With over 25 years of experience in the medical field, Dr. Berger has geared his practice towards the soothing and therapeutic side of cosmetic medicine. By specializing in anti-aging treatment along with cosmetic enhancement, his goal is to help each patient live a long, healthy, and beautiful life. Call us, or complete the form on this page.


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