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Brazilian Butt Lift in Los Angeles and Natural Breast Augmentation procedures are cosmetic procedures that involve the use of the patients own fat from a “donor” area. The use of a patient’s excess fat has many benefits however it also requires a certain type of patient for optimal success. First, liposuction techniques must be performed to extract the unwanted fat, which is then purified and reinjected in the areas that need it most.
Although, facial fat transfer in Beverly Hills doesn’t require a lot of fat for dramatic results, the Brazilian butt lift and natural breast augmentation procedures do.
Fat transfer candidates are patients who carry enough excess fat. However, patients should still be within 10-15 pounds of their own optimal weight and have the ability to maintain this weight with a healthy lifestyle. Wherever the majority this excess fat exists can be used as the donor site.
Read our blog about the ideal candidate for natural breast augmentation.
The benefits of fat transfer are abundant. This method is known for being both safe and extremely effective. The following benefits are very important to know when considering your different options for breast or buttock enhancement.
Dr. Andre Berger prefers to avoid invasive methods when possible. With this fat transfer method, he can deliver safe, natural looking results you want in the least invasive way possible. Dr. Berger is always on the forefront of innovative cosmetic treatments, offering his patients less risk and downtime. As an added benefit, Dr. Berger also now offers the addition of your own stem cells into your fat transfer to enhance results and cell regeneration.
If you are interested in learning more about natural enhancement the breasts or buttocks, contact Rejuvalife Vitality Institute today!
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