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Discovering Your Optimal Health

With the summer season comes the desire to get back in shape, the need fit into those summer shorts, and feel our best from the inside out.  There does come a point when diet and exercise may not be enough in order for you to reach your goals.  That’s where we come in.  Rejuvalife is here to counsel and support you throughout your journey to improve your general health and attain an appropriate body fat percentage for a slimmer, more energetic and healthier you.  All of our programs are tailored for each patient’s specific needs.  At Rejuvalife Vitality Institute we offer medically supervised weight loss programs, anti-aging medicine, and our nutrition and fitness plans.

Our holistic approach to optimal health includes individual counseling and support, a thorough, on-going analysis of your progress, and a custom food and exercise plan to ensure ongoing progress. We’ll customize a unique medically supervised weight loss program to help you reach your goals.

  • Stress ManagementPressures from work, family, and health issues can be demanding on our minds and bodies. Our adrenal glands, which normally supply energy boosting hormones, often become weak from stress, leaving us fatigued and sluggish. Dr. Berger’s regulated doses of cortisol and DHEA have proven effective in counteracting these symptoms. Learn more
  • Brain Balance & Mental ClarityUnexplained mood changes, weight gain, fatigue, cognitive or memory impairment, insomnia, or sexual dysfunction are common symptoms of imbalanced brain chemistry. Learn more
  • Fitness & ExerciseImproving your fitness level is one of the best things you can do for your health. Whether you prefer yoga or a boot camp approach to fitness, our team of trainers, bio-mental and exercise physiologists can design a time-efficient exercise program that will meet your personal needs and fit into your daily schedule. Using exercise and strength programs, we show you how to counter the changes in body composition, commonly observed with aging, to enable you to maintain your vitality and stamina. Learn more
  • Diet & NutritionGood nutrition increases your ability to stay healthy and feel youthful. Helping you to develop good eating habits is a crucial part of our anti-aging program. First, we determine your body’s deficiencies and excesses through thorough tests which include metabolic screening, cholesterol measurement, digestive system analysis, nutritional profiling, lipid and omega-3 profiling, and measures of body fat and lean body mass. Based on our findings, we will tailor a program that is suitable to your specific needs and goals. Learn more
  • Sleep – Healthy habits will help you to sleep at night. Before you fill that prescription, look at your habits and your environment. While sleep aids typically work short term, insomnia is often symptomatic of a larger lifestyle problem. Focusing on improved, healthy daytime habits can help you sleep at night.

Recommendations from Dr. Berger:

  • Moderate aerobic exercise to reduce anxiety
  • Reducing caffeine intake
  • Avoiding large meals right before bedtime
  • Consultation with Dr. Berger to evaluate your concerns
  • Come in for a personalized treatment plan from Dr. Berger


With over 25 years of experience in the medical field, Dr. Berger has geared his practice towards the soothing and therapeutic side of cosmetic medicine. By specializing in anti-aging treatment along with cosmetic enhancement, his goal is to help each patient live a long, healthy, and beautiful life. Call us, or complete the form on this page.


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