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How Do You Defy Aging?

Who do you turn to for information? When you want to know the best way to fish, you ask a fisherman. If you want to learn about how a car works, ask a mechanic or an engineer. The same holds true for aging. If you want to look and feel younger, get your advice from an expert in anti-aging medicine. Dr. Andre Berger is one of those experts.

Touted as one of the top H.G.H. experts in Los Angeles by Vanity Fair magazine, Dr. Berger is a world renowned specialist in anti-aging medicine. He has helped patients around the globe to look and feel their best. Now he’s sharing his secrets with the world. Do you want to know how to defy time and turn back the clock on your health? The Beverly Hills Anti-Aging Prescription is packed with information to keep you young and fit (or to get you back to your prime once again) from a true expert in the field.

Information is power. Once you know how to look and feel younger, you have the power to make changes and take control of your aging. This book can’t make the changes for you, but it can empower its reader with information, valuable information for health, happiness and wellbeing. Once you have the information, what should you do? There’s no one right path. Only you can decide.

Meet with Dr. Berger

The information taught in The Beverly Hill Anti-Aging Prescription is revolutionary. It’s not just the same advice you’ve heard a thousand times before. Some will read the book and want to work directly with Dr. Berger. Those in L.A. can do so easily at his Beverly Hills practice, Rejuvalife Vitality Center. Others will travel to his office and embark on their anti-aging journey alongside Dr. Berger.

Though careful counseling specialized testing and individualized planning Dr. Berger will help his patients to find the best solutions for overcoming aging. The principles discussed in the book will be the guiding principles for this journey of wellness and Dr. Berger will rely on his years of experience and specialized knowledge to help each patient find individual solutions to aging. Turning back the clock is possible and many of Dr. Berger’s patients can attest that they’ve never felt better.

Work with Your Own Doctor

Other readers will want to take the knowledge they’ve acquired and work with their own doctor for implementation. The book is comprehensive and filled with guidance and instructions. While the results cannot be guaranteed when working with another doctor, the wealth of information in the book can act as a guide, helping readers to look and feel younger than their actual age. Inside of the pages of this excellent book you’ll discover the secret to defying the years, a true prescription to anti-aging.

What are you waiting for? Whether you live in California or somewhere else, the secret to anti-aging is here, ready to take you on your journey. Don’t spend another day feeling old, tired and rundown. Let Dr. Berger guide you to a younger, more vibrant life. Read The Beverly Hills Anti-Aging Prescription today and turn back the clock. It’s now available as an ebook, making it ever easier to read and enjoy.


With over 25 years of experience in the medical field, Dr. Berger has geared his practice towards the soothing and therapeutic side of cosmetic medicine. By specializing in anti-aging treatment along with cosmetic enhancement, his goal is to help each patient live a long, healthy, and beautiful life. Call us, or complete the form on this page.


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