What To Expect From A Thread Lift

If you’re interested in thread lifts, you’re probably looking for mild to moderate enhancement in skin laxity, wrinkles, or collagen production to help your skin look more youthful. As you learn about the potential benefits of thread lifts, it’s also good to know what to expect from the experience itself and how your options for the specific procedure can have an impact on your final results.

Types of Thread Lifts

At Rejuvalife Vitality Institute, we offer several thread lift procedures with distinct properties: InstaLift threads, PDO Thread lifts and Silhouette. Both use surgical-grade sutures injected at precise depths in the skin to physically lift skin and provide additional, longer-lasting benefits. Both types of threads can be used nearly anywhere in the body, although many people’s most common concerns are on the face and neck. All thread lift procedures are performed under local anesthesia to ensure patients are calm and comfortable during the treatment.

Silhouette InstaLift

Also known as simply the Silhouette Lift or the Soft Lift, Silhouette InstaLift provides just that: instant lifted results due to an injected thread with miniscule cones that pull at the skin in the natural-looking way Dr. Berger creates. The Silhouette Lift is often recommended for people with concerns about sagging cheeks or jowls and provides subtle yet substantial improvement to the structure and position of your skin.

Silhouette threads are injected at about 5 millimeters into the skin and several will be used to create a natural contour to your treated area. The threads will dissolve in your tissue over time, and provide not just a physical lift but also helps promote collagen production while the threads are in your skin. This results in long-lasting skin tightening that can be present for up to two years after your appointment.

Nova Threads (PDO Thread Lift)

PDO threads by Nova Threads are often referred to as a non-surgical facelift for the results they achieve without physically removing skin or requiring downtime to recover. PDO threads are also dissolvable sutures placed throughout a desired treatment area. These threads are made of a slightly different polymer called polydioxanone (PDO) that may be better given your desired goals from the procedure and where the threads will be injected.

What To Expect During a Thread Lift

As mentioned, thread lifts are performed with a local anesthetic to ensure you won’t feel any pain during the injection stage of the treatment process. These appointments require multiple injections of sutures but don’t take much longer than a half an hour for the treatment itself. 

Results and Recovery From Thread Lifts

Following your thread lift injection, regardless of the type of thread, you may experience a few side effects for up to a week, although most people are able to go about the rest of their daily activities almost immediately. Side effects commonly include tenderness, redness, and swelling, which can be alleviated with medication and cold packs for swelling. Dr. Berger may recommend avoiding strenuous activity such as working out for up to two weeks.

Initial results from thread lifts are visible immediately, but will continue to improve for two reasons. First, subsequent swelling may distort your long-term appearance in the days following the procedure. And the collagen formation triggered by the injected threads can take up to three to six months before it results in noticeable improvement to skin thickness, structure, and firmness.

Thread Lifts in Beverly Hills

Trust Dr. Berger, the pioneering thread lift physician in Los Angeles for your non-surgical skin tightening for facelift-like results. Learn more by taking a look at real patients on our website and decide if you’re interested in a thread lift by calling our office for a consultation. Get the conversation started by contacting us online today.


With over 25 years of experience in the medical field, Dr. Berger has geared his practice towards the soothing and therapeutic side of cosmetic medicine. By specializing in anti-aging treatment along with cosmetic enhancement, his goal is to help each patient live a long, healthy, and beautiful life. Call us, or complete the form on this page.


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