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Precision Laser Treatments for a Tighter Neck

Gobble, gobble, gobble. Its turkey time and I don’t mean Thanksgiving. If you have a turkey neck (loose, sagging, etc.) let us tighten things up for you. This Thanksgiving make sure the only turkey in the room is the one on the table.

Precision Lasers for Optimal Results

From laser facelifts to injectable treatments, we’ve got something for everyone here at Rejuvalife Vitality Center. If you have a turkey neck or loose, sagging skin anywhere else, we’ll help you end the problem for good. Our precision laser treatments are some of the best available and will help tone, tighten and firm up loose skin. Goodbye turkey necks and hello beautiful you.

SmartLipo- Tighten, Tone and Perfect

SmartLipo is a revolutionary skin tightening procedure that uses the power of lasers to melt away fat and tone loose skin. It is a laser lipolysis system that can be used safely on the face, neck and jowls (as well as other areas) to banish that turkey neck forever. SmartLipo is highly effective and powerful. Best of all there are no stitches, no scars and very little bruising associated with the procedure.

How Does SmartLipo Work?

If you’re looking for a non-surgical alternative to the facelift SmartLipo is a great choice. This powerful body sculpting technique uses a powerful laser to permanently tighten skin. You’ll be awake the entire treatment; no general anesthesia or IV sedation needed. At the end of the procedure you’ll have visibly tighter skin with no stitches or scars and very little bruising, swelling and downtime.

Our patients love this procedure and for good reason. One treatment is all you’ll need to see your unsightly turkey neck melt away. Pain is minimal during the procedure and is minimized with local anesthesia. The only cuts you’ll receive are small and a tiny laser cannula will do the rest.

Smoothing Without Going Under the Knife

Laser lipolysis procedures like SmartLipo tone and tighten like liposuction, but are dramatically different. We like to call it liposculpture since it creates new, firm shapes from tired, sagging skin. These treatments are highly accurate, generally more accurate than traditional liposuction, but without the cutting, pain and downtime. Dr. Berger is highly skilled in the procedure and will use his expert hand to gently sculpt trouble areas, creating a fresh and vibrant look you’ll love.

Look great this Thanksgiving (and every other day too). Come in to Rejuvalife Vitality Center and let Dr. Berger help you to banish that turkey neck. A smooth, tight neck is just a SmartLipo treatment away.


With over 25 years of experience in the medical field, Dr. Berger has geared his practice towards the soothing and therapeutic side of cosmetic medicine. By specializing in anti-aging treatment along with cosmetic enhancement, his goal is to help each patient live a long, healthy, and beautiful life. Call us, or complete the form on this page.


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