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By now, the effects of smoking on nearly every part of the body are well known. We know that smoking increases risks for cancer, heart disease, respiratory problems, and delayed immune response. We know that this habit shortens the lifespan, impacts physical abilities, and has a generally negative impact on overall quality of life.
But did you know smoking also has very significant negative impact on your skin? Most people don’t fully understand the damage smoking can have on your skin.
Smoking prematurely ages the skin. Many studies have found that cigarette smoking can begin to alter skin elasticity and smoothness in as little as ten years – and the more you smoke, the bigger the changes.
Nicotine is a vascular constrictor. Almost as soon as it enters your body this drug begins to narrow blood vessels, reducing oxygen content and preventing important nutrients from doing their jobs. This can diminish luster and reflectivity while increasing the visibility of wrinkles. What’s more, many of the chemicals in cigarette smoke damage collagen and elastin, further increasing wrinkles and causing the skin to sag.
Sadly, quitting does not reverse these impacts, although it is essential for preventing future damage and should be done immediately. During your skin rejuvenation consultation with Los Angeles physician Dr. Andre Berger, methods of quitting can be discussed in greater detail.
Restoring Your Appearance
While quitting smoking may not reverse the damage you have done to your skin, these are some of the treatments offered at our Beverly Hills office that can help restore a more youthful and attractive appearance. Depending on the ways smoking has impacted your skin, Dr. Berger may suggest options including:
Dr. Berger may also suggest skin rejuvenation treatments such as chemical peels and microdermabrasion in cases where damage is less pronounced.
Quitting smoking will improve the quality of your life and can help prevent premature aging. To learn more or to begin the process of renewing your appearance, please contact Rejuvalife Vitality Institute and schedule your initial consultation today. We welcome patients from Los Angeles and all surrounding areas of California.
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