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With swimsuit season approaching, many of us are kicking up our exercise routines to slim down. However, even with hours in the gym each week under our belts, we may still be battling stubborn cellulite. Cellulaze is the newest non-invasive treatment for reducing stubborn cellulite that involves minimal downtime. It will produce results after a few months and will continue to improve over a period of several months.
A Cellulaze treatment takes about 2-3 hours and is performed in four simple steps:
Right after treatment, the skin will be slightly tender and possibly swollen but these side effects should subside within a few days. You should be able to resume physical activity quickly.
Since collagen production is stimulated by the treatment, you will begin to notice the skin tightening and smoothing benefits after one month but full results will appear closer to three months.
One of the best things about Cellulaze is that there is no need for multiple treatments because the results are long-lasting with results becoming more pronounced over a period of time. Since only one treatment is needed, this saves patient’s both time and money.
If you are Interested in learning more about what Cellulaze could do for you, please contact Rejuvalife Vitality Institute using the form at the right side of the page or call 310.856.9173 today to schedule your cosmetic treatment consultation. Dr. Andre Berger serves patients in Beverly Hills and Los Angeles, California.
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