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Turkey time is almost here. Family, fun and of course delicious food are all essentials of this favorite holiday. As with any celebration, Thanksgiving comes with plenty of opportunities to give our bodies a hard time. Alcohol, late nights and too many desserts are just a few of the problems you may encounter this year. To keep you healthy, and happy, this Thanksgiving, we’ve put together a few survival tips so you can enjoy a festive holiday and keep your body feeling its best. Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at Rejuvalife Vitality Institute!
Turkey, gravy and stuffing are certainly Thanksgiving favorites, but they aren’t the only tasty offerings on the table. Don’t forget to load your plate up with veggies as well. Sweet potatoes have been touted as one of the healthiest vegetables around and are packed with essential nutrients like calcium and potassium. Kale is an antioxidant powerhouse with high levels of Vitamins A, C and K. Whatever vegetables find their way to your table this Thanksgiving, fill your plate; a balanced plate piled high with nutritious vegetables is a delicious and healthy way to enjoy your holiday feast.
Thanksgiving is commonly a very sedentary holiday, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Encourage your family to get up and move with you. Exercise is will help keep your body in tip-top shape. Maybe you could arrange a family football tournament in the evening or could take everyone on a mountain hike to enjoy the beauty of fall. Regular daily exercise can help you fight stress (always a plus when dealing with family).
Don’t Forget Your Supplements
Nutritional supplementation is an important part of an overall healthy lifestyle. If you’re traveling out of town this year, make sure you take your supplements with you (and remember to take them). The right supplements can give your body the tools it needs to fight free radicals and stay as young as healthy as possible.
For many alcohol is an essential part of the Thanksgiving celebration, but sometimes it can get in the way of your health and fitness goals (especially if you overindulge). Alcohol has been shown to alter hormone levels, impact protein synthesis and strip the body of essential vitamins and minerals. Drink responsibly and remember that alcohol can have an impact on your body and muscle tone.
If you’re heading out of town this Thanksgiving, do so safely. Thanksgiving is notorious for being one of the most dangerous holidays for drivers with the fatality rate being almost 5 times higher than a typical day. Drive defensively, pay attention and of course, never drink and drive.
Have a happy and healthy Thanksgiving this year with these celebratory tips. We want you to look and feel your best both on Thanksgiving and throughout the year.
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