Vitamin C for Skin Care, Cosmetics

Researchers at the University of Leicester Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology in Portugal have recently found a strong link between vitamin C and skin cancer.  In an earlier study, the Portuguese researchers had found that DNA repair is upregulated in people consuming vitamin C supplements.   Their most recent study found that “vitamin C may improve… Continue reading Vitamin C for Skin Care, Cosmetics

Fat Transfer – it’s hot!

Whether placed in the face, hands, the buttocks or used instead of implants for breast augmentation, transferring your own fat from places you don’t want it, to places you do want it, our “state-of the-art” technologies and methods get you the results you are looking for at Rejuvalife. Fat transfer, often called fat transplantation, fat… Continue reading Fat Transfer – it’s hot!

The Benefits of Human Growth Hormone When Used Correctly

Human Growth Hormone, HGH, has alternatively received both beatings and boosts by the scientific and medical communities and the media. What is HGH? Who should take it?   HGH supplementation was originally approved, and still used today, to help extremely small children attain a more normal adult height. Were it not for HGH, these children… Continue reading The Benefits of Human Growth Hormone When Used Correctly

Fish Oils May Slow Genetic Aging

Now there is more good news for all of you that are taking your Fish oil, and more good reason to if you are not. Happily, a recent study, supported by grants from the American Heart Association and the Bernard and Barbro Foundation, shows that omega-3 fatty acids may slow biological aging.   Researcher Ramin… Continue reading Fish Oils May Slow Genetic Aging


Exercise is not always a fun activity and often it’s hard to find the time to do it on a regular, ongoing basis – believe me, I know. But I have really great news. We now have direct evidence of the anti-aging benefits of physical exercise. Recent research has proven that exercise does in fact… Continue reading DOES EXERCISE REALLY DELAY AGING and WHAT ARE “TELOMERE’S ANYWAY?”

Welcome RejuvaPhyl! The latest bio-injectable rejuvenator!

We’ve introduced a new procedure at Rejuvalife called Selphyl , and it is an injectable that’s derived from your own plasma, so there are no allergic reactions or adverse effects, like fillers made from artificial materials. What differentiates it from other fillers, is Selphyl actually causes your own collagen to regenerate, and your skin to… Continue reading Welcome RejuvaPhyl! The latest bio-injectable rejuvenator!


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