How NutreVal Identifies Nutritional Imbalances

One of the best ways to transform how we look and feel is to create a diet and exercise program. Fitness experts regularly combine these two strategies for optimal success. Nevertheless, if you want to accomplish better overall health, these results can be maximized by paying attention to one crucial step from the get-go: conducting… Continue reading How NutreVal Identifies Nutritional Imbalances

How To Choose a Cosmetic Surgeon For Liposuction

Many times people struggle with unattractive deposits of fat and no matter how hard they try to lose these lumps and bumps, it is to no avail.  Fortunately, liposuction, lipoplasty, or liposculpture as it is also called, offers an affordable and effective method of getting rid of these trouble spots.  By removing the excess fat… Continue reading How To Choose a Cosmetic Surgeon For Liposuction

How to Gobble the Deserts on Turkey Day and NOT Gain Weight

We all want to enjoy ourselves during Thanksgiving and part of enjoying ourselves means eating all those delicious foods. However, while it’s certainly easy to appreciate a giant feast, appreciating a giant waistline is another story. Here are some tips and tricks that can help you avoid putting on weight around Turkey Day while still… Continue reading How to Gobble the Deserts on Turkey Day and NOT Gain Weight

How Will You Celebrate BRA Day?

What will my breasts look like after cancer surgery? Women facing breast cancer often worry about the impact their diagnosis will have on their physical appearance. In fact 89% of women surveyed in a recent study indicated that they wanted to see breast reconstruction results before their breast cancer surgeries. Helping women restore their confidence… Continue reading How Will You Celebrate BRA Day?

In Case You Missed the Talk on Testosterone

On Tuesday,  Dr. Berger hosted another episode on Blog Talk Radio, this time about Testosterone Replacement Therapy.  We had several very interesting questions from our callers, allowing Dr. Berger to address some important facts about importance of testosterone and how it diminishes from our bodies over time.  Learn more about how to prevent, reverse, and delay… Continue reading In Case You Missed the Talk on Testosterone


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